Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Back to Basics

Back to Basics

Johnny and I, like many people, spent our 3 day weekend, by packing in as many activities as possible. Our weekend included a 24 hour trip to the city. We were sure to fill our day with as much food, and friends as we could. We even got to stop by the Metropolitan Museum and spend some time at the McQueen exhibit which was simply amazing. After our whirlwind trip through New York we got off the train and jumped right into the activities of the Fourth, food, fireworks and friends.

Back to Basics

Often times people declare that they need a 'vacation from their vacation', and this week I'm stating that I need a 'vacation from my weekend'. I enjoyed our weekend thoroughly, but I could use a few quiet days of relaxation to get myself back into the flow of the world. What I wasn't ready for was the Casey Anthony verdict. Frankly I thought about not discussing it on the blog this morning, but I suppose I already opened that can of worms, so why stop now? I followed the trial right through watching the live coverage, and keeping up with the expert opinions 'after hours' on various CNN related programs. I must admit I was anxious for the reading of the verdict, and caught my heart pounding a bit. ( Was this what it was like for the viewers of the OJ Simpson trial? ) Personally, I was completely surprised by the end result ( we all know what it was, no need to go there) but what I was more shocked at was at people's responses. Suddenly the social media world was flooded with offensive comments and people were voicing their opinions in very open and obvious ways. There were more statements made about the Casey Anthony trial then there were about anything that has happened in the political world in the last 2 years, ( and a lot has gone on in New York State and through out the world recently ). I watched as 'friends' began open, online arguments over whose side was "more right" and whose understanding of the judicial system was "more accurate".

Neutral Tones

What is all of this for I wonder? This morning news coverage discussed the case for a few moments, and moved on to other news stories, and I'm certain that the same will happen in the social media world. Now I'm really standing here looking around for a vacation. Nothing official is in sight, but I'm thinking curling up on the porch with a great book and a glass of tea for a few hours is a great start. Maybe I'll even sneak in a bit of re-decorating. What I won't be doing is turning on the television, or checking Facebook for a few days. I can at least enjoy a vacation away from all of the craziness. A friend of mine declared that "All of this heat seems to have made some people Sassy" and I couldn't agree more. I think I'll be waiting a bit for things to cool off in both a figurative and literal sense.

Back to Basics

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