Monday, October 04, 2010

Weekly Money Check Up

It's that time again. Have you been joining My Pretty Pennies in adding this feature to your blog each week? At first it was a bit scary to be airing my Dirty Financial Laundry for the whole world to read, but I have found it to be awfully cathartic. Besides helping me stay organized, and on top of my money, this little feature is making me feel awfully accountable.

1. The most I’ve spent this last week was on _____. Technically it was $118.50 on a parking ticket. To close to a Fire Hydrant :( . I prefer to talk about my shopping spending with this feature however so in terms of non-bill spending, I spent $86 at Walmart last week. I purchased 2 stools, a swiffer duster and a swiffer. I've been on the hunt for stools for our kitchen for awhile now and have found nothing I liked. When I spotted these 2 stools that matched our decor for $32 I grabbed them immediately! They also fold up which means they will work for us for years, despite any future moves. They were added some great seating for our family dinner on Saturday, and really make our kitchen and dinning room feel complete. $86 dollars well spent.

2. Today I feel _______towards money. Organized. Last week a payroll issue caused my paycheck to be about $100 less than expected. Because I've been following my budget schedule for the last few weeks, I didn't get stressed at all. I was able to say that I could wait until this week for my check to be adjusted. I was still able to pay all my bills. This was the first time in a long time I have been able to say that an issue with my incoming does not negatively effect my outgoing for the week.

3. Money can’t buy happiness. One free/inexpensive thing I did last week that made me happy was_____________. Dinner with some amazing girlfriends. A friend invited a few of us girls over for a home cooked meal and some snuggle time with her newborn son. Having great conversation and a cuddly baby was a fantastic way to start the weekend.

4. I will consider this week a success if I _____________.
Take advantage of the extra money in my paycheck from the error next week. All of it should go right into my Savings, or half into Savings and half towards my Credit Card. That money should be considered 'extra' and shouldn't go towards any bills.

5. The TV show I am most excited about this season is ________________. Oh so many! I'm glad Glee is back, and have been enjoying each episode of the new show, Boardwalk Empire. I'm a bit behind in updating my DVR for the fall line-up so I'm still finishing my summer shows. My guilty pleasure so far? The TLC show Sister Wives! I loved the first episode and have been stalking TLC On Demand for the next one!

I'd love to know your opinions on this new feature. Do you enjoy reading about my financial budgetting, or do you find it TMI? Do you follow any shopping budgets and do you find talking about them to be cathartic for you? I'd love to hear what you think!!

1 comment:

Meli said...

Actually, on my blog I started airing my shopping dirty laundry too. I'm trying to be more responsible too! I think I MAY add this weekly feature to my blog... but accompanied with outfit posts ;)