Tuesday, January 19, 2010

That 'Yes Man' Coat

Winter is the perfect excuse to Hibernate. At the end of the day I want to put on my warmest pajamas and thickest socks and snuggle on the couch with Johnny. Luckily he agrees so we've spent the last few weeks ordering take-out and watching as many movies as humanly possible. This past weekend we got a chance to watch 'Yes Man'. A movie featuring Jim Carey and Zoey Deschanel. I originally avoided the movie because it seemed to much like 'Liar Liar' but the truth of the matter is I loved it. I laughed so hard I cried through most of it. I also originally didn't know that Zoey Deschanel was in the movie, or I would have watched it in the theatre and promptly purchased the DVD. I have a bit of a crush on her, and a bigger crush on her wardrobe choices. This movie proved no different. For a scene in the movie when she heads to Nebraska with Carl, Jim Carey's character, Zoey wears the most amazing coat. Ever since the movie ended, I have been searching the web looking for information on this jacket and looking for one like it for myself.

I've since learned that, the coat " is a vintage find by costumer Mark Bridges, who updated it with new buttons". Shoot. Don't get me wrong, I love it even more now that I know it's vintage, but that means I will never find that coat. I'm also surprised to announce that there were not as many look a likes of this jacket as I would have thought. Maybe the rest of the world didn't love the jacket as much as I did. Have no fear however, I did find some pretty close options.

This coat comes the closest when it comes to colors. It is a Lauren Moffat creation and I found it at www.revolveclothing.com. The jacket retails for $279.00.

This is a great alternative and I love the jacket in white. What a great spring outerwear option! This photo comes courtesy of the Boden Spring Catalog. Listed as a Scallop Trim Coat this also comes in other colors, though I must admit I stopped reading after I saw the white one. Instant Love. This retails for $198.
Modcloth, whose outwear collections always make me happy had some great options as well.

This gorgeous jacket is called the ' West End Girl' and retails at their website for $217.99.

This jacket made me swoon. I loved the black with white detailing and I loved how simple this jacket appears. This coat called ' French Quarter' retails for $64.99.


Christine said...

I was also looking for a coat like that and I found a Calvin Klein one online at Dillards. It's very close!


I actually found your blog while looking for a picture of it for my blog. :)

Unknown said...

Yay! I also love her jacket in the movie. I remember watching this movie last year and remember thinking "I want that jacket". I am finally getting around to going to a tailor to get it made and googled it and found your site. Thanks!

Anonymous said...


This is pretty close. And so darling...

aj said...

I found it on ebay :)
