Monday, January 10, 2011

Color Play

Color Play
My new wireless remote came in last week and I was finally able to take some photos. So here you have photos with my new camera, taken with my new remote and edited with our new software. It may take some time for me to get acquainted to the new routine, but the quality of these photos makes it so worth it!
Color Play
This time last year I was bitten by the colored tights bug. I couldn't get enough of them and started to find ways to make my rainbow colored stems work with everything in my closet. This year, I seem to have been bitten by a colored sock bug. Suddenly I'm leaving my black socks hiding in the corners of my sock drawer. I love adding a bit of surprise color with my socks!
Color Play
As the weather continues to drop, I think I'm finding pleasure in little pops of color here and there. So far this winter, everything has maintained white. All of the houses are decorated with white roofs, parks are still untouched fields of white powder and the snow creates an amazing glare in our windows each morning. I'm enjoying the bright feeling of all of this snow, and am trying to hold on to the feeling of 'fresh and new'. I know that in a few short weeks this will be replaced by brown slush and dark days as winter starts to settle in and the disappointment of broken resolutions peeks it's head into everyone attitude. I'm hoping to capture the bright feelings of the current season and carry it through the remainder of winter. Just maybe there is nothing that can't be cured by a brightly colored pair of socks.
Color Play

Color Play


Rochelle Approved said...

I love the surprise pops of blue! And have fun with your new camera!


Elaine said...

I love the bold socks!!!