Monday, January 25, 2010

Must Have Monday

There are a few things that I really want to do during 2010. One of those is to become better educated on the topics that interest me. This of course applies to my little obsession of fashion. My knowledge of many topics is limited, but the opportunities to learn more is limitless. I want to not only learn more about famous fashion icons, but to also explore more Fashion Avenues, to learn from other real life people. Enter

I have been watching this book since it came out. I maybe one of the few people left without a copy of 'The Sartorialist' book, but it is on my ' soon to own' list. This book retails for $16.50 on
I just love images of real people, with real style. This book, by Nylon is the perfect answer to my voyeuristic questions. This retails for $16.50 on Amazon.

After watching the Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange take on the original Grey Gardens documentary, I have been pinning to see the original. I check every movie store we walk into, and continue to check my local library. I will soon have to give in and simply buy the original. It retails for $29.99 on Amazon.

Every preview of this movie I see makes me stop. I would love to know the back story of this amazing woman, and I would love to spend two hours enjoying amazing wardrobe choices. This movie retails for $19.99.

I was sad when I missed this movie during it's premier last year, but am happy to say that soon I can own this too. This movie retails for $14.98 on Amazon.
There are so many other books and movies I want to get in to! This is the short list of things I hope to own soon, but would love to hear any suggestions. Any other fashion related books, movies or magazines I should indulge in?

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