Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Fashion Inspiration: Gossip Girl

I know I'm late jumping on the band-wagon, but I didn't become a fan of Gossip Girl until this season. In fact I had no desire to see the show until this season when I finally decided to give in and see what all the hype was about. The hype was well deserved too. The drama is great, the storyline is perfect and the clothes are always impeccable. I find myself watching the wardrobe of all of the characters, but it is Blair Waldorf who has quickly become a style inspiration.

Her character is often brash and deceptive, while her clothes are often dainty and soft. Blair often reminds me of a great mix between Ali of the Notebook and every 1950's secretary. I am secretly hoping that Santa will leave me seasons 1 and 2 in my stocking, and if not maybe enough money so I can get them for myself. Can anyone say Christmas Bonus?

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