Okay we all know that if it were up to me I would never spend a dime on rent and would instead shop much more often. Especially for shoes, but I’ve recently found a way to channel my addiction. Especially because I don’t have the money to buy.. um anything anymore but still have the desire to shop. So e-bay it is. I probably spend about 2 hours a day at work just browsing through the various types of styles online. My trick, never get specific about the things I look for. So I type in “vintage boots” in the search bar. I get 3000 hits, but about 75% of them won’t be my size. And I will inevitably fall in love with a specific pair of vintage boots, and they will not even be close to my size. How cute are the boots I found earlier? And for a $10 bid free shipping I would jump all over these vintage 70’s Frye boots, and I would wear them all the time. I love the red, except they are a size 6. Thus my big foot feet won’t be fitting anywhere near those beauties. The best part of my new found e-bay love is that I have now fallen in love with those red boots, and nothing I find even in my size will make me want them as much as those red boots, so I won’t even want to buy anything. But that won’t stop me from looking of course. It’s just that nothing will compare. See that’s the trick, fall in love with something you can’t have and than nothing will be able to stack up. Smart right? Besides, I won’t even look at stuff over $10 with shipping so that puts a huge limit on the styles I look at anyways.
Even still those red boots are so cute aren’t they?
Even still those red boots are so cute aren’t they?
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