Friday, July 01, 2011

The Stylish Court Jester

Court Jester

When asked to describe my aesthetic, I often like to use the words 'Lace and Pearls'. What I mean by that is not that I wear lace or pearls, but instead that I tend to prefer very feminine items. In fact, up until last fall I didn't own any lace items. When the magazines started declaring that Lace would be a new trend, I knew that I had my chance. I needed to start stocking up. Lace for me isn't a trend, but a part of who I am and I wanted to take advantage of the stores filling their shelves to find new favorite pieces to bring home. When Charlotte Russe had their 'All Lace 2 for $10' sale last fall I sprinted ( and by sprinted I mean drove at the legal limit) to my nearest location and dove in. I walked out with black and cream shirts in both sleeved, and sleeveless varieties and have been wearing them in all sorts of ways. There is just never an occasion in which lace doesn't work.

Court Jester

I happened to like this outfit, but really I didn't see it as anything special. I added a white tank top under my 3/4 sleeved black lace top to add a bit of dimension creating a look perfect for my meeting. Remember a few posts ago when I mentioned the increase in compliments I've been receiving lately? This outfit seemed to bring about one of those days. While passing through Macy's, one of the Channel counter ladies stopped me saying, " Oh your shirt is amazing. Is that Ann Taylor? It is fabulous. What season is it? " I must have looked at her with the stupidest grin on my face. In fact I also may have done my best southern accent when I answered back, " Ann Taylor? That is so very sweet, but I bought this shirt at Charlotte Russe and for $5 at that!". What can I say? We all slip into a little Paula Dean when it comes to giving great advice. Right??

Court Jester

The compliments didn't end there. I may have made a pit stop in a shoe store nearby where the sales person after asking me where I got my 'spectacular heels' asked how I walk in them all day said " I can tell you walk like you mean it, but girl you have got it together in those heels". I didn't give her my best Paula Dean, (she was lucky, I'm really not that good) but I couldn't wipe the smile off my face for the rest of the day. Sure, the women I had met were commenting on my clothes, but I ended up talking to each of those women for a bit of time and I really liked having friendly conversation with strangers. I felt a bit like the Court Jester. Whose to say that Jester ever was actually funny, the people of the court just thought that he was, and really whose to say that I am that stylish, or even that I really do ' got it together'? It seems as though the people of the court seem to think I do. Blame it on the heels, the Lace or on the confidence that seems to be seeping through my pores, but I'm enjoying chatting with random strangers and offering fashion advice while I go. Now watch closely while I juggle with my right hand and tie my shoe with my left...

Court Jester

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