Friday, May 06, 2011

Favorite Shoe: Leopard Flats

Favorite Shoes: Leopard Flats
I want to take a brief moment this week to highlight one of my favorite pairs of shoes. I know that everyone must have an old pair of Go-To's laying around the house. For some it's the handy Clogs laying by the front door, and for other's it's the flip flops that have served them well for so many years. These are the shoes that get thrown on when we need to make a quick trip out for more sugar, when we are running late for work because they match with everything, when we know we've got a long day ahead and don't want to think about options. For me, my Go-To's are this well worn pair of Leopard Flats. These lovelies came into my life almost by accident about a year ago when on a particularly long day at work, I stopped at Target and found they had stocked the Clearance shoe section with tons of basic flats for $4 a piece. I found this pair of size 9w Leopard Flats hiding in the back, and while I am not a wide shoe wearer, I decided to give these a home anyways. I actually left that day feeling guilty, knowing that it was an impulse purchase made only because I had had a stressful day, and what exactly would I wear Leopard Flats with anyways?

Favorite Shoes: Leopard Flats
Much like with my Leopard Heels, I quickly learned that my new Leopard Flats matched with absolutely everything! Since joining my closet a year ago, these shoes have gotten their fair share of adventure. At first I stuck to standard shoe wear, occasional work days, special occasions with skirts and date nights with jeans, but soon I couldn't deny the comfort of these friends, or the fact that the Leopard print offered a Neutral color that matches with every outfit. Now this shoes join Johnny and I for breakfast out each weekend, make it to work at least once each week and have joined me for more 'quick trips' than I can count. Earlier this week, I spent a day at a convention that required 8 1/2 hours of standing on cement at our booth. Right about hour 4 I realized that I didn't matter what shoes I had worn, my feet were going to be mad at me by the time I got home. The next morning I woke up and thanked my lucky stars for that one evening last year, when on a whim I made a $4 for some wide shoes. These tattered Flats are starting to show signs of their wear and I am getting a bit nervous. Finding a new pair of Leopard Flats will not be hard, but finding a new pair of Go-To friends will.
Favorite Shoes: Leopard Flats

Favorite Shoes: Leopard Flats

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