Monday, January 25, 2010

Vintage Gods

Have you checked out Christina's blog yet? This blog features beautiful pictures, and amazing clothes. This amazing mom decided to stop buying and start thrifting a while ago, and since than she has developed an amazing blog.

I have all of the necessary coats for life in the Northeast, a Black Peacoat, a White Peacoat, a Thick Columbia jacket and a thin one, Plaid short, Plaid Cape, and what feels like many others. The one necessary staple missing however, is the perfect trench coat. I have been on the search for what feels like years, and despite stalking many a trench coats online, I have yet to make any purchases. As of yet nothing has stolen my heart yet. While reading the latest post on Second Skin this weekend, I discovered that she was selling much of her beloved coat collection, to help fund her trip to The Chictopia Conference coming up in New York. I was astonished at her ability to let go of such amazing items, and even more impressed by her determination to get the money raised. I was also astonished by the amazing coats in her collection.

I drooled over the coats and made Johnny look at them, to confirm their beauty. I must admit I was at first smitten by the white coat, but quickly fell in love with it's Vintage Trench Coat Neighbor. I'm trying very hard not to spend any money so I put the coat out of my head. Until I woke up this morning still dreaming of that coat. She posted to Coat on her Etsy page today for $20 plus shipping, and I had to at least try. I pulled out my checkbook, and my budget plan and started working the numbers. In an attempt to be a smarter saver, could I spare the $20+ dollars I had already allocated? The vintage gods were looking down on me, and on Christina because the money could be spared, and this little coat is now mine.

The point isn't the money, and frankly $20 isn't much in the big picture, but trying to stick to a tight house buying budget means every dollar has a place, and I have to be better about not enjoying my money hanging in my closet. This coat is a missing piece in my puzzle, and getting to add to the collection pot that can help a fellow blogger add another piece to her's in amazing. This little blogging community keeps surprising me. These vintage finds keep impressing me.

And this little coat is mine :)

Thanks for parting with an amazing item!


Second Skin said...

Oh man!!! I am so so so happy you were able to work it out! I really hope you love it as much as I think you will! You are such a sweet girl! Thank you for helping me out and for giving my coat a new lovely home!

Caperucita.Rosa said...
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Anonymous said...

Great buy and for a good cause!