Thursday, November 19, 2009

Style Crossroads

I've been blogging for a little over a year now, and this week I found myself becoming a little reminiscent. I first started this blog as a way in which I could put my thoughts into words, and quickly discovered some amazing fashion blogs. Just like that I was swept up into a world I knew little about. I've always had an interest in fashion and style, but in the last year that interest has become a passion. What has started as a side project has begun to consume my full time mind. Reading through all of my old archives I have also found that I have gone through a number of different phases this year on the search to define my style. For awhile I played with colors, bending and breaking the rules. Later I tried to master different styles as defined by various magazines and books. I was breaking and bending the rules that I had defined for myself, and was learning that I can still survive as a fashionable lady without the rules I had always followed so strictly. I don't see these phases as being separate instances, but instead an ever flowing interpretation of my stylish evolution. All of these moments are things that have helped to become the dresser I am today. The night of my birthday dinner, Johnny and I sat on the couch having long conversation about what started as photos and developed into fashion, and just like that I began my next phase. I have discovered what colors I prefer, what things flatter my body and what clothes make me feel good. I do not feel any closer however to developing my personal style. I haven't been able to pinpoint what it is that makes my clothes, and how I put them together me. I think that every fashionista is always on the hunt for the answer to that question. The big burning question, " What is my Style?" I also think that there is frankly no answer. That's the wonder of style, it is always changing and always being re-evaluated. Here I stand at the crossroads of my next fashion journey, What things inspire me? What do I strive to say through my clothes? What do I want people to take away after a first impression? I find myself pulling out my favorite magazines, reading great books and searching through many fashion blog posts. The images on my inspiration board will be cleared. It's time to go through my closet and say goodbye to some little worn pieces. Less is more when it comes to clearing out your mind, and re-defining your through process.

Where do you get your inspiration? Do you ever hit a roadblock in your creative road? How do you keep yourself on the path to defining your style?

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