Johnny and I had a quiet Saturday and that was exactually what I wanted. We got some very expensive and delicious Taco Bell :) and enjoyed some movie time on the couch. I couldn't help but turn on Music and Lyrics as soon as I saw it on demand. It was the movie he and I saw on our first date almost two years ago now. In fact we haven't seen it since. It was a great first date but I didn't pay attention for most of the movie that first time through. I spent most of that night trying to check him out using the corners of my eye. You know those first date feelings,( is his hand inching towards mine? I hope he doesn't hold my hand and get grossed out that it's a little sweaty. I shouldn't have worn this shirt, it makes me look odd ), they can get a little distracting during a cinematic adventure. We snuggled in, completely uncaring as to our hand location or sweat glands and enjoyed the movie. It was just as good as I had remembered, but my biggest suprise was Drew Barrymore's wardrobe. There is not an outfit she wore that I didn't want to somehow replicate for my own. All of her pieces were so well put together, and accessorized, and always looks so comfortable. I've always prided myself on being a bit of a comfortable chic dresser, well that's the look I go for anyways and Drew helped bring me some great inspiration. Especially with his weather, inspiration is a welcomed friend.

Sophie Fisher, Drew's character was often seen wearing scarves, in almost all scenes. She also had a couple of blazers. She managed to pair a light green blazer over a great red and white sundress and it changed the look of the dress completely. She showed up to the post-session event in the most gorgeous coat that unfortunately I was unable to find a picture of online, but that I would give my right foot to be able to find a duplicate of. In one scene she simply wore jeans, a stripped shirt and a loose shawl/sweater, three pieces that I have plenty of in my closet right now. I couldn't help but love her loose wavy locks, something my short hair won't accomodate. Simply put, he attempt to look effortlessly put together worked and made me want to start my great closet shopping trip.

In my favorite outfit, she wore a buttoned down shirt with a black vest over top. She had on some navy shorts, black tights and red mary jane heels. The look of the outfit was absolutely on point. Normally I stay away from shorts. Alot of people see long legs as an advantage they would like to share, but the major disadvantage is that manufaturors of clothes, do not market the long legged population, as we are not considered typical. For that reason many shorts I find tend to be very tight in the crotch area causing quite the problematic camel toe. The daisy duke look also left me with few longer short options, something my legs can handle. Anything I put on my legs will automatically look shorter than intended, which can be a very large problem for shorts. Even the longest of shorts make my pastey legs look scary and miles longer than they really are, casting an unpreportioned appearance. The look of longer shorts over tights though was one I really am interested to try. I think I will have to start my spring search for the perfect pair of shorts. Plus I figure I can take the tights off and have the perfect afternoon golfing outfit. Thank you Music and Lyrics for bringing me inspiration. Thank you for giving me some great outfit pairing tips and thank you for being the perfect backround noise to my first date. What can I say. I met JT and "POP goes my heart".
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