Friday was such a hectic day. One of
JT's best friends Jake, will be leaving for his second tour in Iraq this week. We had a going away party for him Friday, as well as a birthday party we had to attend, all of which were going to start an exact 30 minutes after I got home from work. I spent most of the day while at work flipping through my wardrobe in my mind deciding what to wear. I continued to come up with no good ideas. The car ride home I was decided that I was going to wear a dress or skirt of some kind. Work had been long and stressful and as the winter seems to drag on I can't help but get familiar of a fashion rut. I knew a dress would lift me right out of my mood. That is until I got home and spent the next 30 minutes
amidst a major fashion crisis that resulted in an adult temper tantrum. Nothing I put on fit, everything was to thin or fit weird with the other layers. Nothing looked good, things were too daring and not cute at all. As time
tocked away I was getting more and more frustrated. I still hadn't eaten or even touched my hair and felt like putting on pajamas and calling it a night. I didn't of course, but I did go to a classic staple of mine. In disgust at my inability to be creative or to even successfully try something I put on my skinny jeans,
frye boots, and white sweater. The best I could do was to put on my great "empress" necklace. I was able to shake my horrible mood as soon as we walked in the bar. We had a great time dancing, and chatting and spending some great time with an even better friend. The night wasn't about having the cutest shoes, or the straightest hair, and honestly most of friends couldn't have cared less if I did. The night was about celebrating Jake as a guy, and wishing him well. Later in the evening as Johnny and I did a little dancing I glanced into the mirrored wall on my right. Immediately I felt that
ug feeling again. My height sometimes works against me , especially when it comes to making certain items look good and I started to get the feeling that I had been wrong in even my choice of " an old favorite". A quick shack of the head and I let it all go. Fashion, while fun is not what the night was about. It isn't what the day to day is about, it's about being a good person, a hard worker, having fun and being the best friend you can to the people who have always been an even better friend to you. Fashion just happens to add a layer to the onion skins of life, but the night was about Jake, and having a great time with him.
Stay Safe Jake!! We'll see you in a year!!
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