One look into my closet and it's no
surprise I have had a stress filled week. In fact this closet is enough to make me never want to buy another item again. Partly because I am out of hangers but mostly because I spend every day trying to
shove "just one more" hanger into the small space. My attempt for organization is relatively successful. Everything does have a particular place be it folded, in a bin or on a hanger. The bottom of my closet is full of
Tupperware storage. One full of
purses and bags, one full of my summer clothes, one with sheets and one with school work. I also keep all of my pajamas in a clear drawer system. In a month when I transition rooms my closet will expand greatly and will be able to take on a much more organized system. I usually can't sleep with my closet doors open, a pet peeve of mine I have always had and yesterday as I crawled into bed I realized why. My closet is just as overcrowded as my life sometimes feels. The worst part is I actually manage to wear everything in that closet. I have a strict rule for myself, if it hasn't been worn in 6 months gift it to my sisters or donate it. That is the scary truth too. There are a few items that may have only been worn once or twice in the last year, but they have all been worn and continue to be. The more I look at these pictures the more I want to convince myself to start spending more time shopping in my closet and less from online. This has just been one stressful event after the next, each becoming progressively more important. I know that this is a large reason why shopping in my closet has been eliminated as an option for the temporary. The idea of pulling everything out of my closet and meticulously putting it all right back in scares me. What a daunting task right now. It will get done before the big move, but anytime soon just seems too soon. Every corner of my room seems to be overflowing this week and that only adds to my want to not make more of a mess. Tonight will not bring any further advances in the room area either. After such a day my boyfriend has planned the perfect evening for us both. A quiet evening with some steaks, the hot tub, a movie warm pajamas and sleep. I'm even considering turning off my phone. I think I need a break from the world and tonight seems like the perfect night to recharge my batteries.

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